Mo. Code Regs. tit. 10 § 20-9.020

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 10 CSR 20-9.020 - Classification of Wastewater Treatment Systems

PURPOSE: This amendment will revise the classification criteria for wastewater treatment facilities to include technologies that are not reflected in the current rules.

(1) Definitions. Definitions as set forth in the Missouri Clean Water Law and 10 CSR 20-2.010 shall apply to those terms when used in this rule, unless the context clearly requires otherwise or as noted in the subsections of this rule.
(A) Wastewater treatment systems. Interrelated or interconnected facilities, equipment, machinery, sewers, piping, valves, land, tanks, basins, ponds, lagoons, and any other device, method and process used to reduce or eliminate the contaminants in domestic wastewater and similar organic water-borne wastes.
(B) Operator. Any individual who operates or determines the method of operating a wastewater treatment system, either directly or by order.
(C) Chief operator. An operator who directs or who has the authority to direct other individuals, or an operator in direct responsible charge for the operation of a wastewater treatment system.
(D) Population equivalent (P.E.). The calculated population which normally contributes the same amount of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) per day. The common base is 0.17 pounds of five-(5-) day BOD5 per capita per day. The calculated population which normally contributes the same amount of flow per day. The common base is one hundred (100) gallons per capita per day.
(E) Wastewater Collection System. Any series of pipes and lift stations to collect, convey, and equalize wastewater flow to the wastewater treatment system.
(2) Wastewater Treatment Systems Requirements.
(A) Requirements for operation by certified personnel shall apply to all wastewater treatment systems, with a population equivalent greater than two hundred (200), owned or operated by or for municipalities, public sewer districts, counties, public water supply districts, private sewer companies regulated by the Public Service Commission and the state or federal agencies. All other systems are exempt from this rule unless the department determines that certified personnel are necessary to protect the waters of the state.
(B) Owners or other persons legally responsible for the operation of wastewater treatment systems subject to this rule shall be responsible for assuring that operators and chief operators of wastewater treatment systems comply with certification requirements as set forth in this rule.
(C) All operators of wastewater treatment systems included in subsection (2)(A) of this rule shall possess, as a minimum, a level D certificate of competency issued by the department. New employees that are not yet certified wastewater treatment operators cannot make process control decisions and will be directly supervised by a certified operator or chief operator.
(D) Minimum certification of competency classification requirements for chief operators of wastewater treatment systems shall be determined by the department using the following point system as a guide. Wastewater treatment systems will remain classified at the level determined prior to the effective date of this rule until the facility's MSOP is renewed, at which time, the MSOP will include the facility classification.


Certification Level






25 and Less



71 and Greater

Assign points for every item that applies:

Size Item Points
Maximum population equivalent (P.E.) served, peak day 1 pt. per 10,000 P.E. or major fraction thereof (maximum 10 pts.)
Design flow (avg. day) or peak month's flow, (avg. day) whichever is larger1 pt. per MGD or major fraction thereof (maximum 10 pts.)

Effluent Discharge

Missouri or Mississippi River


All other stream discharges except to losing streams and stream reaches supporting whole body contact recreation


Discharge to lake or reservoir outside of designated whole body contact recreational area


Discharge to losing stream, lake or reservoir area supporting whole body contact recreation


Direct reuse or recycle of effluent


Land Application/Irrigation

Drip irrigation


Land application/irrigation


Overland flow


Variation in Raw Wastes (highest level only)

Variations do not exceed those normally or typically expected


Recurring deviations or excessive variations of 100 to 200 percent in strength and/or flow


Recurring deviations or excessive variations of more than 200 percent in strength and/or flow


Department-approved pretreatmnt program


Primary Treatment

Primary clanflers


Chemical addition (except chlonne, enzymes)


Secondary Treatment

Trickling fllter and other flxed fllm media with or without secondary clariflers


Activated sludge (including extended aeration, oxidation ditches, sequencing batch reactors, membrane bioreactors, and contact stabilization)


Stabilization ponds without aeration


Aerated lagoon


Advanced Lagoon Treatment - Aerobic cells, anaerobic cells, covers, or fixed film


Biological, physical, or chemical


Carbon regeneration


Solids Handling

Sludge holding


Anaerobic digestion


Aerobic digestion


Evaporative sludge drying


Mechanical dewatering


Solids reduction (incineration, wet oxidation)


Land application



Chlorination or comparable


On-site generation of disinfectant (except ultraviolet light)




Ultraviolet light


Required Laboratory Control Performed by Plant Personnel (highest level only)

Lab work done outside the plant


Push-button or visual methods for simple tests such as pH, settleable solids


Additional procedures such as DO, COD, BOD, titrations, solids, volatile content


More advanced determinations such as BOD seeding procedure, fecal coliform, nutrients, total oils, phenols, etc.


Highly sophisticated instrumentation, such as atomic absorption and gas chromatograph



*If unique treatment plant conditions distort the point total, the department may adjust the facility classification.

(E) The owner will notify the department of any change in the identity of the chief operator within fifteen (15) calendar days.
(F) In the event the chief operator is no longer available to serve, the owner of the wastewater treatment system will notify the department of the vacancy within fifteen (15) calendar days and appoint an interim operator. The interim operator will be considered the certified chief operator for the purposes of complying with 10 CSR 20-9.010 and 10 CSR 20-9.020 on a temporary basis until a properly certified chief operator is hired. Following consultation with the wastewater system owner, the department will establish a schedule of activities and a timeline for the system to have a certified chief operator who has met all applicable certification requirements.
(G) No person, firm, corporation, municipal corporation or other governmental subdivision or agency may operate a waste-water system unless the operator of the facility is duly certified by the department as provided in 10 CSR 20-9.030 or 10 CSR 20-9.020(F) except during periods of emergency or disaster.

10 CSR 20-9.020

AUTHORITY: section 644.026, RSMo 1994.*Original rule filed July 15, 1976, effective 3/1/1977. Rescinded and readopted: Filed Nov. 1, 1983, effective 7/1/1984. Rescinded and readopted: Filed July 15, 1991, effective 3/1/1992. "Original authority 1972, amended 1973, 1987, 1993.
Amended by Missouri Register January 2, 2019/Volume 44, Number 1, effective 2/28/2019