Upon motion by____________________, seconded by____________________, and after full discussion, the following Resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, The Social Security Act Amendments of 1950 authorized the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, at the request of any state, to enter into an agreement with such state for the purpose of extending the benefits of the Old-Age, Survivors, Disability and Health Insurance System, established by Title II of the Social Security Act, as amended (said Act and the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950 being hereinafter collectively call "Social Security Act"), to the employees and officials of such state and of any political subdivision of instrumentality thereof; and
WHEREAS, this board and the members thereof are and have been advised that, pursuant to sections 105.300 through 105.440, RSMo (1986), the state of Missouri, acting by and through its Office of Administration (hereinafter call "State Agency"), has entered, or proposed to enter, into an agreement with said Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for the purpose of extending the insurance system established by the federal acts to the employees and officials of the state of Missouri and of any of its political subdivision or any instrumentality of any one or more of them, and that said agreement, as it is or may be made applicable to the eligible employees and officials of this board, may be made effective with respect to services performed by such eligible employees and officials of this board, on or after ____________________19____________________1; and
WHEREAS, it is hereby declared to be the policy and purpose of this board to extend to all eligible employees and officials of said board, who are not excluded by law, and whether employed in connection with a governmental or proprietary function, the benefits of the system of federal Old-Age, Survivors, Disability and Health Insurance as authorized by the Social Security Act and sections 105.300 through 105.440, RSMo (1986) and amendments thereof, as the same may be now and hereafter in effect;
WHEREAS, this board desires to secure the benefits accorded by said insurance system for the eligible employees and officials of this board in order to insure the benefits thereof, it is deemed necessary that this board submit a plan to, and enter into an agreement with, said state agency, which form has been presented to, and is hereby approved and adopted by this board, so that said insurance system may be put into operation and become effective with respect to services performed by the eligible employees and officials of this board on and after ____________________, 19____________________1:
____________________, 19____________________1. The fund from which said appropriation is made will, at all times, be sufficient to pay the contributions of this board by this resolution directed to be paid to said OASDHI Trust Fund;
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1Insert effective date of coverage 21Insert titles or positions of responsible officials 3Insert fund name for payment of employer contributions 4Insert title of responsible reporting official
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COUNTY OF____________________
I, the undersigned, ____________________, being Secretary of the____________________, ____________________, Missouri, and, as, such, having the official records of said____________________in my possession and custody, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the certain Resolution which was adopted by said ____________________, on the
____________________, day of____________________, 19____________________, as the same appears in Minute Book No.____________________, at pages
____________________to____________________, inclusive.
In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said____________________, all on the____________________
day of____________________, 19____________________.
Tit. 1, div. 10, ch. 12, exh. II CSR