9 Miss. Code R. § 7-3-3.6

Current through October 10, 2024

A Certificate of Registration is valid only for the institution and courses for which it is issued. The Certificate of Registration is not valid for additional locations of an institution unless the commission has approved such locations as Annexes on the current Certificate of Registration.

A. An annex may be included under an existing Certificate of Registration if:
a. Courses and programs offered at the annex are identical to those offered at the registered institution location; and
b. The annex is under the same ownership, management, and control as the registered location.
B. If the registration of an annex is sought at the same time as the application for registration (initial or renewal) of the main campus, then approval of the annex may be sought on the application for a Certificate of Registration of the main campus.
C. If an application for registration of an annex does not coincide with initial registration or renewal of registration of the main campus, then a separate Application for Registration of an Annex Location must be submitted, along with all appropriate fees as stipulated on the current Schedule of Fees (Appendix A).
D. Gross annual tuition revenues for a registered location and each associated annex must be combined for the purpose of determining fees payable. Tuition for each location must be reported individually on Gross Tuition Income.
E. Annex locations must meet all the requirements set forth in Title 75, Chapter 60, Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended, and in these regulations.
F. Annexes are subject to the same regulatory requirements as any other facility that is licensed by the commission. These requirements include, but are not limited to:
a. Providing complete and verifiable information on the annex facility, including:
i. General institution information (such as location, telephone, advertisements, etc.)
ii. Institution ownership
iii. Facility information
iv. Financial resource information
v. Bond information
vi. Program of study information
vii. Instructor information
viii. Administrator information
ix. Policies for disclosure of information to students
x. Student enrollment contracts
xi. Student grievance procedures
xii. Student and/or course evaluations
xiii. Instructional equipment inventory
xiv. Documents verifying completion of a program of study
xv. Adherence to the legislatively mandated refund policy
xvi. Job placement services
b. Making available on request all records related to the above statement.
c. Meeting all applicable health and safety standards as required by local, state, and federal agencies.
d. Notifying the commission in writing within 30 days of changes in any of the following:
i. Ownership of the annex/institution
ii. Director of the annex/institution
iii. Name of the annex/institution
iv. Agents
v. Financial stability
vi. The loss of eligibility for student financial aid programs
vii. A Cohort Default Rate greater than 19%
viii. Instructors
ix. Programs of study
x. Facility standards
xi. Job placement services
xii. Evaluation methods
xiii. Major instructional equipment
e. Maintaining all premises, equipment, and facilities of the institution inadequate, safe, and sanitary conditions.
f. Agreeing to make accessible to commission staff, enrollees to be interviewed for the purpose of verifying compliance with the conditions as stated on the application for a Certificate of Registration.
G. Annexes are subject to announced and unannounced visitation by representatives of the commission and the Mississippi Community College Board.
H. Annexes must have the same name as the associated registered location, distinguishable by individual site location.
I. All policies, procedures, tuition, fees, catalogs, and academic calendars utilized at the registered location must also be utilized at the annex.
J. If a Certificate of Registration is suspended, revoked, or canceled by the commission, the registered institution and all annexes included under that Certificate of Registration must cease to operate unless specifically granted written approval by the commission to remain in operation.
K. The approved annex will be a permanent additional location of the registered institution. This facility must always be identified as an annex on each Renewal Certificate of Registration Form.

9 Miss. Code. R. § 7-3-3.6

Amended 4/6/2017
Amended 4/27/2018
Amended 6/24/2018
Amended 2/4/2021
Amended 3/24/2023
Amended 10/4/2024