The MCCB approves those programs that will provide the maximum benefit to the student's served by the community/junior college's of Mississippi. Consideration will be made concerning program duplication, available resources, employment demands, wage rates paid to program graduates and the ability of the college to provide the optimal educational experience to the student's.
The college will send fifteen (15) copies of its program application to the MCCB staff who will review the document to ensure that it has been completed in the appropriate manner. Four copies will be sent the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE). The MCCB staff will meet with representatives from the MDE to review the perceptions of this agency and to determine which programs will be approved for funding prior to the request being presented to the MCCB. The MCCB staff shall then meet with the MCCB committee chair to determine the recommendation that will be made to the Board. The MCCB then will act on the recommendation, with the results reported to the MDE and the college. The programs division shall maintain a file and database for all program approvals. All program requests must be submitted prior to April 15.
9 Miss. Code. R. 3-7.1