8 Miss. Code R. § 3-3-301.05-301.0510

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 8-3-3-301.05-301.0510 - MEETING RULES OF ORDER

Meetings of the Board and its committees shall be conducted in accordance with controlling statutes and applicable bylaws, regulations, or policies. In the absence of such statutes, bylaws, regulations, or policies, meetings shall be conducted in accordance with these rules and Roberts Rules of Order. The Boards Meeting Rules of Order are as follows:

A. Presiding Officer

The President of the Board shall be the presiding officer at official Board functions. In his or her absence, the Vice President of the Board shall preside. In the absence of both, the President of the Board may appoint a President Pro Tempore to preside at a Board function. For committee meetings, the chair of the subject committee shall be the presiding officer. In his or her absence, the President of the Board, who is an ex officio member of all committees, shall preside.

B. Convening Meetings

The Board and its committees shall convene at the times and places announced by public notice and as required by law, policy, or Board action.

C. Quorums, Agenda, Rulings of the Presiding Officer, and Delay
1. Quorums

A quorum for the transaction of business shall be a minimum of eight members of the Board. For committees, a quorum shall be a majority of the members. No business may be transacted without the presence of a quorum.

2. Agenda

The agenda for each Board and committee meeting shall be submitted to the members and published by the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education prior to each meeting. Proposed agenda items arriving after the deadline for submission to the Commissioner may only be added by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present. This requirement will apply to consideration of all agenda items including recommendations by Board committees in instances where agenda items relating to such recommendations are not submitted prior to the deadline.

The formal agenda will consist of items submitted on behalf of the various institutions and the Board offices. A Board member may notify the Commissioner that an item should be placed on the agenda. Unless otherwise specified on the face of an agenda item, the submission of an agenda item for Board approval by an Institutional Executive Officer or the Commissioner reflects the Institutional Executive Officer's or Commissioners determination that: (1) the proposed action is authorized by all applicable laws, (2) all requirements of State law and Board policy relating thereto have been met prior to submission of the item, and, (3) adequate funds are available and have been identified for any expenditures authorized thereunder. The form of agenda items will be determined by the Commissioner. The deadline for submission of agenda items by the Board members to be included on an agenda shall be two days before the date of the official meeting. The Commissioner may refer agenda items to appropriate Board committees for consideration. However, no committees approval is required before Board consideration of any agenda item or matter.

Agenda Item Placement

The presiding officer may move items up or down the agenda with a two-thirds (2/3) vote by the members present.

3. Delay of Board Consideration

Any member may request a delay in consideration of an agenda item from one meeting to the next, but no agenda item may be so delayed more than once by any member. Such a request shall not be granted if there is a vote to proceed by the lesser of (a) two-thirds (2/3) of the members legally present or (b) by seven (7) Board members legally present.

D. Motion to Suspend Policies, Bylaws or Rules

A member may move to suspend any policies, bylaws or rules. A motion to suspend shall state the matter of business to be considered, must be properly seconded, and shall fail without a vote in favor of same by at least seven members.

Miss. Code Ann. § 37-101-15(c)

8 Miss. Code. R. § 3-3-301.05-301.0510

BT Minutes, 5/90; 1/98; 4/2012; 6/2013