7 Miss. Code. R. 3-85.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 7-3-85.2 - Allocation of Career and Technical Education Plan Funds

The State Board of Education shall not allow any vocational plan funds to be distributed to a local educational agency unless that district has an approved or approvable local plan for career and technical education on file with the Office of Career and Technical Education for the fiscal year in which funds are being requested.

The State Board shall use a formula in allocating federal vocational funds (85% Carl Perkins) to local educational agencies as required by federal statutes. The Office of Career and Technical Education shall be responsible for updating the formula each year to ensure a fair and equitable allocation of funds to the eligible recipient. The State Board shall determine at the beginning of each plan period of the counties that are classified as economically depressed based on either of the following two factors:

1. Counties that have over one and half times the national unemployment rate for the past three (3) years.
2. Counties that have 20% or more of their families below the poverty level.

The Office of Career and Technical Education shall be responsible for making this determination for the State Board and for the allocation of Carl Perkins funds and for targeting Carl Perkins funds.

Funds (85% Carl Perkins) allocated to local educational agencies shall be allocated by the distribution formula and will be administered by the local plan/application.

Funds (Carl Perkins) allocated to local educational agencies for nontraditional services shall be awarded on an RFP project basis.

Funds (1% Carl Perkins) for correctional institutional services shall be awarded to the Department of Corrections for vocational support services and shall be limited to salaries and equipment.

Funds (state and federal) allocated to local educational agencies for vocational adult short-term programs shall be distributed on a class request basis.

Funds (state vocational) allocated to local educational agencies for support of ongoing programs shall be continuous unless notification is given prior to the start of the next fiscal year and shall be distributed through the ongoing program process.

Funds distributed to Mississippi State University/Research and Curriculum Unit shall be allocated by grant agreement.

7 Miss. Code. R. 3-85.2

Public Law 116-6, Sec. 112, Sec134 (Revised 12/2023)
Adopted 12/30/2015
Amended 1/22/2024