7 Miss. Code. R. 3-84.8

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 7-3-84.8 - Evaluation and Improvement of Career and Technical Education Programs

The Office of Career and Technical Education shall monitor each local educational agency receiving career education funding to ensure that annual self-evaluations are being conducted.

The Office of Career and Technical Education shall maintain file copies of the local educational agencies' self-evaluation and improvement plan and shall conduct desk audits of each of the plans. The Office of Career and Technical Education is to conduct spot reviews on selected local educational agency programs for compliance and quality as per the local educational agencies' evaluation and self-improvement plan.

The Office of Career and Technical Education shall assist the local educational agencies in a joint planning effort when the local educational agencies are not complying and/or need technical assistance for compliance and program improvement.

The Office of Career and Technical Education shall provide technical assistance to the Office of Educational Accountability for conducting the career component of the accreditation evaluation for secondary schools.

7 Miss. Code. R. 3-84.8

Public Law 105-332, Sec. 123 (b), Sec. 135(b)(5). (Revised 10/2011)
Adopted 12/30/2015