7 Miss. Code. R. 3-84.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 7-3-84.2 - Articulation of Career and Technical Education Programs

The State Board of Education is authorized to promote, encourage, and maintain cooperation and articulation between the secondary and postsecondary levels of career and technical education at all levels. Preparatory career and technical education and training shall be provided in a variety of clusters at the secondary level, and highly specialized occupational training provided at the postsecondary level where applicable. Adult preparatory and supplemental training is permissible to be offered at both secondary and postsecondary institutions.

7 Miss. Code. R. 3-84.2

Public Law 105-332, Sec. 122 < 20USC 2342 > State Plan (c)(1)(A). Miss Code Ann. 3731-205. (Revised 10/2011)
Adopted 12/30/2015