7 Miss. Code. R. 3-78.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 7-3-78.1 - Assessment of Special Populations

The information contained within the Testing Students with Disabilities Regulations and the Guidelines for English Language Learners and any subsequent updates shall apply to all public school personnel who are responsible for the implementation of the Mississippi Statewide Assessment System. The information shall set forth the rules and procedures required for proper test administration and shall be provided to each school district by the Mississippi Department of Education through the district test coordinator.

The district superintendent shall assure that each school follows the established testing procedures and informs each building level administrator of their responsibilities. Local boards of education shall cooperate with the State Board of Education in implementing the provisions of this said policy.

For a copy, please visit the Mississippi Secretary of State's website at REGULATIONS AND ENFORCEMENT in the Administrative Code, Title 7: Education K-12; Part # 13.

7 Miss. Code. R. 3-78.1

Miss. Code Ann. § 37-1-3 (Revised 5/2007)
Adopted 12/30/2015