7 Miss. Code. R. 3-71.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 7-3-71.2 - Licensure of School Business Administrator

In order to provide a financial management system which ensures the proper accountability for funds administered through the local school districts on a timely and accurate basis, to provide and interpret financial information by which the local school board makes educational decisions, and to promote professional growth, the State Department of Education is authorized to create a Licensed School Business Administrator position for the public school districts of this state beginning with the 2012- 2013 school year. This license shall be issued by the Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Educator Licensure and the license holder shall be bound by the MS Educator Code of Ethics, Standards of Conduct.

2.Accreditation Standard

Per the Commission on School Accreditation process standard 2.5, the school district shall employ a school business officer/administrator whose qualifications meet the criteria established by the Mississippi Department of Education and whose primary job responsibilities are conducting, supervising, and/or directing the financial affairs and operations of the school district. Although any individual who meets the minimum requirements may obtain the license, the district may only designate one individual as the Licensed School Business Administrator. The individual designated as the Licensed School Business Administrator shall hold the School Business Administrator License. Individuals in a school district holding the School Business Administrator license, but who are not the designated Licensed School Business Administrator and are not employed in a position in the district requiring any other license issued by the Mississippi Department of Education Office of Educator Licensure shall not be considered a licensed employee as that term is used in Mississippi Code, Annotated.

Any School Business Administrator or Officer who was satisfactorily performing in that position on or before June 30, 2012 and did not meet the minimum requirements for obtaining a School Business Administrator License is required to maintain the School Business Administrator/Officer certificate issued by the Mississippi Department of Education, Office of School Financial Services by completing 20 hours of continuing training each fiscal year. One hour of credit will be given for each hour of training. Hours may be obtained by participating in approved local, state, regional, or national school business related conferences, courses, or workshops. Districts that have a certified School Business Administrator or Officer in lieu of a Licensed School Business Administrator are considered to be in compliance with the accreditation standard requiring a Licensed School Business Administrator. However, these individuals are not considered a licensed employee as the term is used in Mississippi Code, 1972 Annotated.

Any individual newly hired or appointed as a school district's Licensed School Business Administrator, shall meet the minimum requirements of the Licensed School Business Administrator, and obtain the license from the Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Educator Licensure prior to being named as the school district's Licensed School Business Administrator.

3.Initial Licensure

The following minimum qualifications shall be met for initial licensing:

A baccalaureate degree or higher from an accredited four-year college or university in Accounting or a baccalaureate degree or higher from an accredited four-year college or university in Finance, Business Administration, or other business-related curriculum will be considered but shall include a minimum of fifteen (15) specified semester hours successfully completed in accounting from the following course list:

a. Principles of Accounting I and II (6 semester hours)
b. Intermediate Accounting I and II (6 semester hours)
c. Advanced Accounting (3 semester hours)
d. Governmental Accounting (3 semester hours)
e. Managerial Accounting (3 semester hours)
f. Auditing (3 semester hours)
g. Cost Accounting (3 semester hours)
h. Business Law (3 semester hours)
i. Financial Management (3 semester hours)
j. School Finance or School Law (3 hours)

The State Department of Education, Office of School Financial Services, shall approve all courses titled differently than those listed.


This process shall be administered jointly through the State Department of Education Office of School Financial Services and Office of Educator Licensure.

5.Rule and Regulation Authority

The State Department of Education is authorized to promulgate other rules and regulations necessary to implement and administer this matter.

7 Miss. Code. R. 3-71.2

Miss. Code Ann. § 37-1-3 (Adopted 12/2022)
Adopted 12/30/2015
Amended 1/5/2023
Amended 2/24/2023