7 Miss. Code. R. 3-4.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 7-3-4.2 - Hearing Procedure and Declaratory Opinions

Pursuant to Section 25-43-3.104 of the Mississippi Administrative Procedures Law, the Mississippi Board of Education must afford persons the opportunity to submit, in writing, argument, data, and views on a proposed rule. The Board may, in its discretion, schedule an oral proceeding on any proposed rule. However, the Board must schedule an oral proceeding on a proposed rule if, within twenty (20) days after the proper filing of the notice of proposed rule adoption, a written request for an oral proceeding is submitted by a political subdivision, an agency or ten (10) persons.

Pursuant to Section 25-43-3.104, an agency may issue rules for the conduct of oral rule- making proceedings or prepare reasonable guidelines or procedures for the conduct of any such proceedings. If a written request for an oral proceeding is received from an eligible party as described above, the Board prescribes the following procedures for the conduct of oral hearings.

1. An oral proceeding will be scheduled no earlier than twenty (20) days after notice of the proceeding's location and time is properly filed with the Secretary of State for publication in the administrative bulletin.
2. Within three (3) days after filing with the Secretary of State, notice of the location and time for the proceeding shall be mailed to each person who has made a timely request to the Department to be placed on the mailing list maintained by the Department of persons who have requested notices of proposed rule adoptions.
3. Within three (3) days after filing with the Secretary of State, notice of the location and time for the proceeding shall be published in newspapers with general circulation throughout the state.
4. The Board designates the State Superintendent of Education or another presiding officer designated by the State Superintendent to preside at a required oral proceeding on a proposed rule.
5. Oral proceedings shall be open to the public.
6. A record, to include all documents submitted at the proceeding, shall be made by stenographic or other means of all oral proceedings. The record shall be available for cost upon the written request of an applicant.
7. Oral proceedings shall not be conducted pursuant to statutory or formal rules of evidence or procedure. The presiding officer's authority to limit oral testimony includes, but is not limited to, those situations necessary to keep the hearing focused on the proposed rule or to prevent undue repetition in the proceeding.
8. The presiding officer shall make a recommendation to the Board at its next, regularly scheduled meeting. Said recommendation shall include:
(i) the proposed rule;
(ii) a summary of the oral proceeding; and,
(iii) recommendations.

7 Miss. Code. R. 3-4.2

Adopted 12/30/2015