7 Miss. Code. R. 3-38.12

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 7-3-38.12 - Physical Education/Comprehensive Health Education Rules and Regulations

The Mississippi Department of Education understands the relationship between student health and academic achievement. Research supports the relationship between quality physical education programs and the development of social skills, academic performance, increased attendance, and a reduction in discipline referrals. In accordance with Miss. Code Ann. § 37-13-134 (Mississippi Healthy Students Act) and the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards, the State Board of Education has adopted the following rules and regulations to support the implementation of quality activity based and health education programs.

a.Physical Education is a sequentially planned, developmentally appropriate K-12 curriculum and instruction that promotes lifelong physical activity. It helps students develop the knowledge, motor skills, self-management skills, social skills, attitudes and confidence needed to adopt and maintain physical activity throughout their lives.

Quality physical education programs provide opportunities for:

i. students to learn the skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities
ii. students to know the implications and benefits of participating regularly in physical activity
iii. students to be physically active
b.Physical Activity is any movement of the body that expends energy, such as exercise, sports, dance, swimming, lifting weights or other body movements that result in an increased heart rate. Physical activity also includes daily activities like walking programs, recess, etc. Physical activity characterizes all types of human movement that leads to an expenditure of energy; associated with living, work, play, and exercise.
c.Activity Based Instruction allows students to practice movements learned in a variety of settings that lead to an expenditure of energy and/or support other subject areas.

This instruction could be integrated into the regular classroom setting (See Appendix: Approved Curriculum). Comprehensive Health Education is a sequentially planned, developmentally appropriate curriculum and instruction based on the Mississippi Comprehensive Health Framework that promotes a healthy lifestyle. It guides students in developing the basic knowledge, decision making skills and ability to obtain valid health information.

a. Successful implementation of Physical Education and Comprehensive Health Education shall include the following:
i. 150 minutes per week of instruction through a combination of physical education, physical activity, and activity-based instruction
ii. 45 minutes per week of health education
iii. Fitness testing in grade 5 (See Appendix)
b. Standard 33 of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards requires physical education to be a part of the basic curriculum in any configuration of grades K-8. The total number of minutes in physical education must not be below 50 minutes per week.
c. In grades 7-8 extracurricular activities, such as basketball, baseball, marching band, show choir, cheerleading, archery, softball, and football that are sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Activities Association and JROTC can be substituted for physical education if:
i. attendance is kept; and
ii. instruction is based on at least one competency from the Mississippi Physical Education Framework; and
iii. Staff licensed by the Mississippi Department of Education supervises practices and games.

This instruction would be coded in MSIS as a physical education course (See Appendix: Course Codes).

d. Suggested sample school schedules for elementary and middle schools to assist in complying with the mandated activity based instruction and health education for K-8 are as follows:
e. Sample Elementary School Schedule
i.Example 1

Monday -25 minutes of physical education

10 minutes of recess

10 minutes of activity based instruction integrated by regular classroom teacher

9 minutes of instruction in health education

Tuesday -10 minutes of recess

10 minutes of activity based instruction integrated by regular classroom teacher

9 minutes of instruction in health education

Wednesday-25 minutes of Physical Education

10 minutes of recess

10 minutes of activity based instruction integrated by regular classroom teacher

9 minutes of instruction in health education

Thursday -10 minutes of recess

10 minutes of activity based instruction integrated by regular classroom teacher

9 minutes of instruction in health education

Friday-10 minutes of recess

10 minutes of activity based instruction integrated by regular classroom teacher

10 minutes of instruction in health education

ii.Example 2

Monday-30 minutes of physical education

12 minutes of instruction in health education

Tuesday -30 minutes of physical education

12 minutes of instruction in health education

Wednesday -30 minutes of physical education

12 minutes of instruction in health education

Thursday-30 minutes of physical education

12 minutes of instruction in health education

Friday -30 minutes of physical education

iii.Example 3

Monday-20 minutes of recess or other activity based program

Tuesday-20 minutes of recess or other activity based program 50 minutes of physical education

Wednesday -20 minutes of recess or other activity based program

Thursday -20 minutes of recess or other activity based program 45 minutes of health education

Friday-20 minutes of recess or other activity based program

iv.Example 4

Monday -10 minutes of activity based instruction integrated by regular classroom teacher

15 minutes of instruction in health education

Tuesday-5 minutes of activity based instruction integrated by regular classroom teacher

25 minutes of physical education

Wednesday- 10 minutes of activity based instruction integrated by regular classroom teacher

20 minutes of recess or other activity based program

15 minutes of instruction in health education

Thursday-5 minutes of activity based instruction integrated by regular classroom teacher

25 minutes of physical education

Friday-10 minutes of activity based instruction integrated by regular classroom teacher

20 minutes of recess or other activity based program minutes of instruction in health education

f. Sample Middle School Schedule
i.Example 1

Monday -25 minutes of physical education

15 minutes of instruction in health education

10 minutes activity based program

5 minutes of activity based instruction provided by regular classroom teacher

Tuesday -10 minutes other activity based program

5 minutes of activity based instruction provided by regular classroom teacher

Wednesday - 15 minutes of instruction in health education

10 minutes of activity based program

25 minutes of physical education

5 minutes of activity based instruction provided by regular classroom teacher

Thursday - 15 minutes of activity based instruction provided by regular classroom teacher

Friday -15 minutes of instruction in health education

1. minutes activity based program

25 minutes of physical education

5 minutes of activity based instruction provided by regular classroom teacher

ii.Example 2

Monday -45 minutes of physical education (Group 1)

12 minutes of recess or other activity based program

Tuesday-45 minutes of physical education (Group 2)

12 minutes of recess or other activity based program

Wednesday -45 minutes of health education (Groups 1 and 2)

Thursday -45 minutes of physical education (Group 1)

12 minutes of recess or other activity based program

Friday -45 minutes of physical education (Group 2)

13 minutes of recess or other activity based program

3.Grades 9-12
a. Successful implementation of Physical Education and Comprehensive Health Education must include the following:
i. 1/2 Carnegie unit of physical education provided by staff that possess a valid 9-12 teaching license with a physical education endorsement (See Waivers/Exemptions in Appendix, item 11.)
ii. Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards require 1/2 Carnegie unit requirement for health education provided by staff that possess a valid 9-12 teaching license with a health education endorsement (See Waivers/Exemptions in Appendix, item 11.)
iii. Fitness Testing in the grade which the student receives credit toward graduation
b. Sample school schedules high schools to assist in complying with the mandated physical education and health education for 9-12 are as follows:
c. Sample High School Schedule
i.Example 1

Health One semester course

Physical Education One semester course

ii.Example 2

1st semester -Health

3 days of physical education per week

2nd semester Physical Education Physical Education

2 days of health education per week

3 days of health education per week Health

2 days of physical education per week

7 Miss. Code. R. 3-38.12

Adopted 12/30/2015
Amended 1/5/2023