7 Miss. Code. R. 3-36.5

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 7-3-36.5 - Additional Assessment Options for Meeting End-of-Course (EOC) Assessment Requirements

Rule 36.4, Assessments Required for Graduation, outlines the EOC assessment graduation requirements. State Board Policy Rule 36.5 provides approved options for students to meet these high school EOC assessment graduation requirements through approved alternate measures. State Board Policy Rule 36.5 applies to past, current, and future Mississippi students.

While it is possible that a student will meet one of the options below before taking the subject area test, this policy states that a student is eligible to use any of these options once he or she has failed to pass any required EOC assessment one (1) time. Specifically, students may meet the graduation requirements outlined in State Board Policy Rule 36.4 by attaining any one (1) of the measures outlined below for each of the EOC assessments listed.

1. Algebra I
a. Obtain a score of 17 or higher on the Math subject sub score of the ACT.
b. Earn a C or higher in a dual enrollment/dual credit/College Algebra.
c. Obtain an ASVAB AFQT score of 36 (PICAT prescreen scores are not allowable) plus one (1) of the following:
i. Earn a CPAS (Career Planning and Assessment System) score that meets the attainment level assigned by Federal Perkins requirements.
ii. Earn an approved Industry Certification as specified in the Career Pathway's Assessment Blueprint and outlined in Appendix A-5 in the current edition of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards.
d. Obtain the Silver on the ACT Work Keys plus one of the following:
i. Earn a CPAS (Career Planning and Assessment System) score that meets the attainment level assigned by Federal Perkins requirements.
ii. Earn an approved Industry Certification as specified in the Career pathway's Assessment Blueprint and in Appendix A-5 in the current edition of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards.
2. Biology I
e. Obtain a score of 17 or higher on the Science subject sub score of the ACT.
f. Earn a C or higher in a dual enrollment/dual credit/College-Biology I and the corresponding Biology lab.
g. Obtain an ASVAB AFQT score of 36 (PICAT prescreen scores are not allowable) plus one (1) of the following:
i. Earn a CPAS (Career Planning and Assessment System) score that meets the attainment level assigned by Federal Perkins requirements.
ii. Earn an approved Industry Certification as specified in the Career Pathway's Assessment Blueprint and in Appendix A-5 in the current edition of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards.
h. Obtain the Silver Level on the ACT Work Keys plus one (1) of the following:
i. Earn a CPAS (Career Planning and Assessment System) score that meets the attainment level assigned by Federal Perkins requirements.
ii. Earn an approved Industry Certification as specified in the Career Pathway's Assessment Blueprint and in Appendix A-5 in the current edition of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards.
3. English II
i. Obtain a score of 17 or higher on the English subject sub score of the ACT.
j. Earn a C or higher in a dual enrollment/dual credit/College English Composition I.
k. Obtain an ASVAB AFQT score of 36 (PICAT prescreen scores are not allowable) plus one of the following:
i. Earn a CPAS (Career Planning and Assessment System) score that meets the attainment level assigned by Federal Perkins requirements.
ii. Earn an approved Industry Certification as specified in the Career Pathway's Assessment Blueprint and in Appendix A-5 in the current edition of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards.
l. Obtain the Silver Level on the ACT Work Keys plus one (1) of the following:
i. Earn a CPAS (Career Planning and Assessment System) score that meets the attainment level assigned by Federal Perkins requirements.
ii. Earn an approved Industry Certification as specified in the Career Pathway's Assessment Blueprint and in Appendix A-5 in current edition of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards.
4. U.S. History
m. Obtain a score of 17 or higher on the reading subject sub score of the ACT.
n. Earn a C or higher in a dual enrollment/dual credit/College American History II.
o. Obtain an ASVAB AFQT score of 36 (PICAT prescreen scores are not allowable) plus one (1) of the following:
i. Earn a CPAS (Career Planning and Assessment System) score that meets the attainment level assigned by Federal Perkins requirements.
ii. Earn an approved Industry Certification as specified in the Career Pathway's Assessment Blueprint and in Appendix A-5 in the current edition of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards.
p. Obtain the Silver Level on the ACT Work Keys plus one (1) of the following:
i. Earn a CPAS (Career Planning and Assessment System) score that meets the attainment level assigned by Federal Perkins requirements.
ii. Earn an approved Industry Certification as specified in the Career Pathway's Assessment Blueprint and in Appendix A-5 in the current edition of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards.

7 Miss. Code. R. 3-36.5

Miss. Code Ann. § 37-1-3, 37-17-6, and 37-16-7 (Revised 7/2017, 7/2019)
Adopted 12/30/2015
Amended 10/25/2017
Amended 7/14/2019