Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 7-3-28.6 - Essentials for College Math and Essentials for College Literacy Requirements The purpose of the Essentials for College Math and Essentials for College Literacy is to provide the Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with the policies needed at the school level to teach either course and for students to earn the necessary scores for non-postsecondary remediation.
I. In an effort to better prepare high school students for the transition to postsecondary study, Mississippi in conjunction with Southern Region Educational Board and seventeen other states have developed two courses that align with college and career readiness standards. Based on Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) Policy 608, students who complete one or both of these courses with an 80 or above will not be required to take the corresponding remedial courses for College Algebra or English Composition I at any of the eight public Mississippi Universities.II. Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, any LEA that offers either of the Essentials for College Literacy and Essentials for College Math classes must meet the following requirements: a. Teacher must have a valid 7-12 mathematics endorsement (154) or English Language Arts/Literacy (119) endorsement before participating in this training.b. Teacher must attend certification training as offered or approved by the Mississippi Department of Education.c. Teacher must apply for and request an add the 930 supplemental endorsement for the Essentials for College Literacy or the 929 supplemental endorsement for the Essentials for College Math to be added to his/her teaching license with the Mississippi Department of Education Office of Teacher Licensure.d. Students eligible for this class must enter with an ACT sub-score of 15-18 in the respective content area (English or mathematics).e. Students must be classified as a senior for enrollment. An exception to this requirement may include students classified as a junior planning to graduation prior to the spring of their senior year.III. Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, all LEAs must offer Essentials for College Math and Essentials for College Literacy.IV. LEA failure to adhere to the set forth requirements in Section 2 will be a violation of the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards, Process Standard 2 and 26. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 37-1-3 and 37-9-7