7 Miss. Code. R. 3-11.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 7-3-11.2 - Parent

The State Board of Education, in accordance with Section 37-3-73, of the Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended, has established an awards program to reward parents for becoming involved in school improvement efforts. A process has been established which will designate a Parent of the Year in every school district in the state, and will designate one Parent of the Year statewide.

Nomination Form

RETURN TO: Parent of the Year Program

Public Relations

State Department of Education

P. O. Box 771 Jackson, MS 39205

(Please type)

Nominee Name______________________________________________

School District______________________________________________


Congressional District


Home Address



Social Security Number______________________________________________

Age______Marital status_____Number of children_______

Children's names, ages, occupations (if students, list name of school and grade level)



If married, spouse's name and occupation



Superintendent's Signature________________________________________


Nominee's School Improvement Efforts

Describe the school improvement efforts of the Parent of the Year nominee in his/her school district. Include awards and other special recognitions received. Describe involvement in service-oriented activities, such as volunteer work, etc. Be specific describing projects. (Maximum length: two double spaced pages) Letters of Support -(limit of three letters) please attach to application. Include three letters of support from among the following: superintendent, principal, colleague, PTA president, or civic leader.

Please note:

1. Please submit original and four copies.
2. Please provide all information requested in the application form. Do not change or add to the application in any way.
3. Limit your answers to the number of pages requested. In order to provide all applicants with an equal opportunity, only the number of pages requested will be accepted. Any additional pages and/or materials cannot be presented to the Selection Committee.
4. Each application must include one photograph. It is not necessary, however, to submit five original pictures. Simply attach one picture to the original application and photocopy the other four. However, if selected Parent of the Year, additional pictures may be requested for publicity purposes.
5. The application package must be submitted

7 Miss. Code. R. 3-11.2

Miss. Code Ann. § 37-1-3 (Revised 6/2012)
Adopted 12/30/2015