After the annual assignment of a district's accreditation status in the fall, the process of determining statuses for the following school year begins. Whenever information on file with the MDE indicates that a school district may be in violation of a standard, the superintendent and the school board of the district are notified in writing by appropriate MDE staff responsible for monitoring compliance with the standard. School district officials are given forty-five (45) calendar days from the date of receipt of notification to provide a written response verifying accuracy or inaccuracy of the notice of possible noncompliance with the standard.
If the written response includes sufficient evidence to correct or refute the alleged violation, the superintendent of the district is notified by appropriate MDE staff responsible for monitoring compliance with the standard. Any verified violation of a standard is reported in writing to the Office of Accreditation, where it is noted on the current Accreditation Record Summary of the district. The Office of Accreditation notifies the superintendent of the district in writing of the verified violation.
7 Miss. Code. R. 24-2.0-2.4