Current through January 14, 2025
Section 7-11-Three-10 - PROCESS TO FILE A COMPLAINTAny person who wishes to report a violation of the policies and procedures stated in the Mississippi Textbook and Instructional Materials Administration Handbook should follow the process listed below:
A. A written complaint letter must be received by the Office of Instructional Materials and Library Media, Mississippi Department of Education; P. O. Box 771, Jackson, MS 39205-0771 within ten (10) business days after the person/company making the complaint has knowledge of the violation. The MDE will not consider any complaints made after the deadline. The complaint letter must indicate the policies and procedures being violated with a reference to the page and paragraph in the Mississippi Textbook and Instructional Materials Administration Handbook and shall contain sufficient detail of the alleged violations. The complaint letter shall include the name of the person/company that violated the rule, the date and location where the violation occurred and the signature of the individual making the complaint.B. Within seven (7) business days of receipt of the complaint, the MDE Office of Instructional Materials and Library Media will investigate the violation(s) and forward the findings to the Executive Director of the Office of Elementary Education and Reading. The Executive Director will review the staff's findings and make a recommendation to the Chief Academic Officer.C. The Chief Academic Officer will review the findings and request a written response to the complaint from the person/company who has been reported as violating the policies and/or procedures. The person/company shall file a written response to the complaint addressed to the Chief Academic Officer within ten (10) business days of receipt of the request. Responses received after the deadline will not be considered.D. The Chief Academic Officer will review all relevant documentation timely received. If the Chief Academic Officer determines that there is insufficient evidence of a violation, then the Chief Academic Officer will notify all parties in writing within seven (7) business days.E. If the Chief Academic Officer determines that sufficient evidence exists of a violation of policies procedures, will notify all parties in writing within seven (7) business days.7 Miss. Code. R. 11-Three-10