6 Miss. Code. R. 6-1.17

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 6-6-1.17 - Project Completion Requirements

All projects receiving a grant must adhere to the following rules before request for payment can be processed and payment can be made:

A. The application packet must include a copy of the application with attachments and a copy of the signed Required Attachments checklist.
B. The applicant must sign and return the letter of confirmation and Tax ID form within 15 working days after notification of grant approval or the project may not be approved for funding.
C. The applicant must have a current W-9 form with a Federal Tax ID Number on file at MDA.
D. The applicant must return a complete final report to the MDA Existing Industry and Business Division no later than 60 days from the approved completion date or the project may not be approved for funding.
E. The applicant must list the project name (as listed on the grant application form) and the grant fund number (as listed in the award letter) in all correspondence regarding an approved project.
F. A copy of vendor invoices and a copy of proof of payment to vendors must be provided with all invoices submitted to MDA with request for payment. (Examples of proof of payment include: canceled checks, bank statements, vendor receipts, etc.)

6 Miss. Code. R. 6-1.17

Senate Bill 3033 Regular Session 2017
Adopted 5/17/2018