6 Miss. Code. R. 401-1.7

Current through January 14, 2025

Any county, municipality, state agency, federal agency, person or organization desiring to appear before a standing or special committee of the Board of Directors of the District on any matter properly placed on the agenda of one or more of the standing or special committees of the Board of Directors of the District shall make a written request to so appear to the Executive Vice President of the District. The Executive Vice President shall notify the appropriate chairperson or chairpersons of the standing or special committee or committees of said request, and the chairperson or chairpersons shall allocate not more than ten minutes to each speaker and shall so inform each speaker and the respective standing or special committee at the opening of the committee meeting. The respective committee or committees may extend or limit the time allocated to any speaker by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting.

Any person or organization desiring to appear before any meeting of the Board of Directors of the District on any matter properly placed on the agenda for consideration by the Board of Directors shall submit a written request to appear for consideration by the respective standing or special committee when the matter is presented before that committee. The respective standing or special committee may reject or approve of such request to appear before the Board of Directors, and shall include a recommended time limit of not less than five nor more than twenty minutes whenever it shall approve any request to appear before the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may extend or limit the amount of time allocated to any speaker by a majority vote of the Directors present at the meeting.

6 Miss. Code. R. 401-1.7

Miss. Code Ann. § 51-11-11.