Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 6-4-4.14 - Requests for CashA. DIP funds are requested by using the Request for Cash and Consolidated Support Sheet. These forms can be found on MDA's website as a single excel file titled "Request for Cash". The Request for Cash form provides the necessary information about the recipient, project and budget, along with the required signatures to authorize the request. The Consolidated Support Sheet allows for all the reported costs to be documented along with the amount of funds expended and remaining. The costs reported must be equal to the amount requested and disbursed including any matching funds. Signatures on both forms are required in order to process the request.B. An Authorized Signatory Letter must be sent no later than with the first Request for Cash and at any time there is a change in administration. The Authorized Signatory Letter will advise CSD of the authorized signatories for the DIP project. C. Completed Requests for Cash must be submitted to: The Mississippi Development Authority
Community Services Division
Post Office Box 849
Jackson, Mississippi 39205-0849
D. All forms submitted must be accurately completed or the request cannot be processed and will be returned to the grant recipient. Forms submitted with errors will delay the process and greatly impact the turnaround time for funds being released because all information must be verified and approved for payment prior to submission to DFA. According to State Statute, 45 days is allowed for the processing of cash requests. If after the 45 th day payment has not been received, please contact the Program Manager to check on the status of your request. E. Requests for Cash overlapping the State's fiscal year (June 30 th) or the grant recipient's fiscal year must be separated into two separate requests. F. All requests for construction expenses must include an itemized invoice approved by the engineer or architect.G. Matching Funds must be expended at a proportionate rate with DIP Funds and documented on the request for cash forms and include attached invoices or checks.Miss. Code Ann. § 57-61-36 (Rev. 2014).