6 Miss. Code. R. 2-1.3

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 6-2-1.3 - GRANT AGREEMENT

The Community Foundations and the Consortium will be required to execute a Grant Agreement to participate in the Program, which will contractually bind those entities to the legal requirements and terms of the Program.

A. The Grant Agreement will contain the following information to be provided by a Community Foundation or the Consortium:
1. The full registered name of the entity, along with any DBAs or tradenames;
2. The name of the representative with legal authority to bind the entity;
3. The names of all board members of the entity;
4. The entity's address(es);
5. The entity's phone number;
6. The entity's email address;
7. The entity's primary contact for the Program.
B. In addition to providing the above information, the entity will be required to certify that it understands and agrees to certain required provisions, Including the following statements:
1. The entity understands and agrees to follow and comply with all provisions of the Program, including but not limited to, the Community Foundations Act, the Rules, the CARES Act, the regulations and guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Treasury, the guidance issued by the Mississippi State Auditor, and all federal and state statutes, regulations, guidelines, and policies affecting the application for, receipt of, and expenditure of CARES Act funds;
2. That, if the entity is found to be fully or partially noncompliant with any Program requirements, the entity will be required to return all or a portion of the monies received from the Program, as well as being subject to additional civil and criminal penalties;
3. That the entity will ensure that all provisions and certifications of the Program, including, but not limited to, the Community Foundations Act and the Rules, are passed onto the Eligible Grantees, who shall acknowledge these in writing and shall likewise be bound to them;
4. That the entity will ensure that any awards made for Eligible Expenditures submitted by Eligible Grantees are not covered by funding from any federal, state, or other programs;
5. That the entity certifies and acknowledges that by accepting Program funds, it may be subject to additional monitoring, oversight, and/or auditing by the U.S. Department of Treasury's Office of the Inspector General, the Mississippi Office of the State Auditor, the Mississippi Development Authority, or such other federal or state agencies with authority to conduct such reviews.
C. The Grant Agreement must be signed under penalty of perjury certifying that all responses and statements are true and correct and are not false, fraudulent, or materially misleading.
D. All supporting information requested in the Grant Agreement must be provided. The failure to enter into this Grant Agreement and agree to the required certifications and representations will result in the entity being disqualified from the Program.

6 Miss. Code. R. 2-1.3

Senate Bill 2221, 2021 Regular Legislative Session; Senate Bill 3063, 2020 Regular Legislative Session; House Bill 1782, 2020 Regular Legislative Session.
Amended 8/1/2021