40 Miss. Code. R. 2- 9.1

Current through January 14, 2025
A. Miss. Code Ann. § 49-7-35, provides, "Whenever the time fixed by statute for the beginning of a game season shall fall on a Sunday, the season shall begin on the preceding Saturday." It is the intent of the Commission that, whenever the date for the opening day of any hunting season for white-tailed deer, bobwhite quail, wild turkey, small game, or fur-bearing animals, shall fall on a Sunday, for that year, the opening day shall be the Saturday immediately preceding the Sunday opening day.
B. On July 1, 2020, Senate Bill 2723 of the 2020 Regular Legislative Session, went into effect, amending Miss. Code Ann. § 49-7-31, § 49-7-31.2, § 49-7-31.3, and § 49-7-31.4, granting the Commission the authority to extend hunting seasons, as follows:
1. When the open season on deer ends on a Friday, the season shall be extended until thirty (30) minutes after sunset on the following Sunday.
2. When the open seasons for bobwhite quail and/or wild turkey end on a Friday, the season shall be extended until thirty (30) minutes after sunset on the following Sunday.
3. When the open seasons for small game end on a Friday, the seasons shall be extended until thirty (30) minutes after sunset on the following Sunday.
4. When the open season on fur-bearing animals, including any additional open season on raccoon, ends on a Friday, the season shall be extended until thirty (30) minutes after sunset on the following Sunday.
C. The above and foregoing rule regarding opening and closing days, applies to private lands and open public lands. Season opening and closing days on wildlife management areas under the jurisdiction of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, shall still be set by the Commission pursuant to the authority set forth at Miss. Code Ann. § 49-5-13, and as set forth elsewhere in these rules.

40 Miss. Code. R. 2- 9.1

Miss. Code Ann. §§ 49-1-29, 49-4-4, 49-7-35, 49-7-31, 49-7-31.2, 49-7-31.3, 49-7-31.4
Adopted 11/23/2020