39 Miss. Code. R. 3-1-6

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 39-3-1-6
100. INFORMATION TO CUSTOMERS Each utility shall upon request give its customers such information and assistance as may be reasonable in order that customers may obtain efficient and reasonably adequate service. Residential customers may designate in writing another person to receive all notices regarding past due bills and disconnection of service. The utility shall make available to their customers at all offices appropriate forms for use by the customer in designating another person to receive such notices. The utility may require the use of such forms as the sole means to make said designation.**
105. CHANGES IN CHARACTER OF SERVICE Each utility shall use due diligence to notify each of its customers of any change made or proposed to be made in the character of its service that would substantially affect the efficiency of the services or the operation of the appliances or equipment which may be used by the customers. Whenever, after such a change is made, any inspection or minor adjustment of appliances or equipment is required, such inspection or adjustment shall be made by the utility without charge.
1. Each utility shall, upon request, inform its customers as to the method of reading meters.
2. It shall be the duty of the utility to supply or make available to the customer, either at the beginning of service or whenever the customer shall request it, a copy of the rates applicable to the type or types of service furnished the customer and to assist him in obtaining the rate which is most advantageous for his requirements for service.
115. CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS Each utility shall make a full and prompt investigation of all complaints made to it by its customers, either directly or through the Commission. It shall keep a record of all complaints received, which record shall show the name and address of the complainant, the date and character of the complaint, the adjustment or disposal made thereof, and the date of such adjustment or disposal. For purposes of this rule, the word "complaint" shall be construed to mean an objection to the application and/or computation of charges, facilities or service of a utility made during office hours to an employee on duty.
120. NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS Every utility over which the Commission has rate jurisdiction shall notify each of its affected customers by U.S. Mail of the filing of a rate increase, showing the date of filing of said increase, the amount of the increase requested, and the percentage of increase said amount represents. Such notice may be given by the utility by mailing by U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, to the last known address of the customer, If the utility employs monthly cycle billings, said notification may be included with or printed on bills of regular billing cycles beginning not later than fifteen days after the date of filing and shall continue with each billing cycle until all affected customers are notified, If the utility does not employ monthly cycle billing, said notification may be included with or printed on the first monthly bill rendered subsequent to the filing date. Alternatively, any utility may notify all affected customers by U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, within fifteen days after the date of filing. Each utility shall file with the Commission a sworn certificate of service to read as follows:

In compliance with Rule 6.120 of the Public Service Commission Rules and Regulations Governing Public Utilities Service, I, the undersigned officer of the filing utility, hereby certify that I have caused to be served, in a manner provided in said rule, notice of the rate increase filed the ________ day of _____________ 20 ______ said notice showing the date of the filing of said increase, the amount of increase requested and the percentage of increase said amount represents.

Such certificate shall be dated and signed by an appropriate officer of the utility. Such certificate shall, in the absence of fraud or bad faith, constitute compliance with this rule. A schedule of Rates, Terms and Conditions showing the present and proposed rates shall be made available for public inspection in the office of the utility. Nothing herein shall be deemed to affect the 30-day notice period required by Section 77-3-37 of the Mississippi Code of 1972.*

*Rule 6. E., as amended by Order of the Commission in Docket U-4605, effective December 20, 1984, (Initiated by Order in U-4074, effective October 1, 1981.) Rule 6. E. is now known as Rule 6.120. (renumbering 2011).

**Rule 6. A., as amended by Order of the Commission in Docket 2009-AD-347, effective September 3, 2010. Rule 6. A. is now known as Rule 6.100. (renumbering 2011).

39 Miss. Code. R. 3-1-6