Current through January 14, 2025
100. RECORD OF INTERRUPTIONS Each utility shall maintain or have available a record of interruptions of service affecting a major division of its system in this state, including a statement of the time, duration and cause of the interruption. 105. INTENTIONAL INTERRUPTION Whenever service is intentionally interrupted for any purpose, (other than as provided for in interruptible clauses of contracts for service) such interruption shall, insofar as practicable, except in emergencies, be at a reasonable time which will cause the least inconvenience to customers. Customers who will be most seriously affected by such interruption shall, insofar as may be practicable, be notified in advance.110. REPORT TO COMMISSION The Commission shall be notified in writing of interruptions of service affecting the entire system or any major division thereof lasting more than 4 hours. The notice shall also state the cause of such interruption.115. EMERGENCY OPERATION Each utility shall make reasonable provisions to meet emergencies resulting from failures of utility service, illness of operators, fire, storm, acts of God, or the sudden and extraordinary demands for service resulting from preceding causes, and each utility shall issue instruction to its employees covering procedures to be followed in the event of emergency in order to prevent or mitigate interruptions or impairment of service.