39 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-102

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 39-1-3-102 - Commission Duties

The functions of the Commission are regulatory and quasi-judicial in nature. The Commission may conduct investigations and make determinations, hold such hearings, prescribe such rules and issue such orders with respect to the control and conduct of the utilities coming within its jurisdiction. The Commission may adjudicate all proceedings brought before it in which the violation of any law or rule administered by the Commission is alleged. The Commission is charged by law with the duty and authority to regulate the rates and services of certain public utilities. These public utilities, as defined by the Act, include persons and corporations providing electricity, natural and/or artificial gas, water, sewer and telephone services to or for the public for compensation. The Commission does not provide these services directly but regulates persons and entities who do provide the services. This regulatory authority may be generally described as falling into the following areas:

1. Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity

The Commission decides questions relating to the granting, revocation, sale, transfer, merger, assignment, leasing or cancellation of certificates.

2. Rate Proceedings

The Commission determines the lawful rates and other authorized charges to be collected by any non-exempt public utility for the rendition of services specified in Miss. Code Ann. § 77-3-3. This ratemaking authority does not extend to rates charged for the sale or leasing of appliances by public utilities or their non-regulated or non-jurisdictional activities.

3. Service Obligations

The Commission promulgates rules and regulations governing the manner and terms by which public utilities provide services to the public pursuant to their certificate.

4. General Oversight

The Commission exercises general oversight authority over all regulated phases of public utility operations for the purpose of promoting the public interest consistent with the goals of the Act. The Commission has additional responsibilities concerning the regulation and oversight of gas pipeline safety, but these functions are handled under separate rules and regulations.

39 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-102