37 Miss. Code R. § 1-6101-53018-102

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 37-1-6101-53018-102

All projects funded with state and/or Federal Transit Administration assistance projects must be approved by formal action of the Transportation Commission, either individually or as a part of an approved Program of Projects. Requests for approval are based on information provided by the applicant. Applicants are responsible for requesting and fully completing all application materials in the format as prescribed by the Public Transit Division or other federal guidance. The Program of Projects development and approval process is discussed in detail in the most current version of:

* FTA Circular 9040.1E" Non urbanized Area Formula Program"

* FTA Circular 9070.1E" Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Program Guidance"

(Both documents can be found at the Federal Transit Administration web-site www.fta.dot.gov or by contacting the Mississippi Department of Transportation, Public Transit Division)

37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-6101-53018-102