36 Miss. Code. R. 101-2.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 36-101-2.2 - Submission of Requests

All requests for information under the Public Records Act and other submissions must be submitted in writing to:

Executive Officer

Mississippi Wireless Communication Commission

412 East Woodrow Wilson Avenue, Mail Stop 6601 Jackson, MS 39216-1405


Please Note: No verbal or telephone requests can be accepted. Because payment must be submitted with the request, email requests cannot be accepted.

Requests for Standard Documents, as identified on the Schedule of Fees in Section 5, must be accompanied by payment in the amount specified on the Schedule of Fees.

For any Special Request (i.e. any request for information not included in the list of Standard Documents), the request must be accompanied by payment in the amount of $60 to cover the first hour of staff time involved in evaluation and research of the request. This payment is non-refundable and is applied toward the total actual cost of filling the public records request.

36 Miss. Code. R. 101-2.2

Mississippi Code Ann. 25-53-171(4)
Amended 7/23/2015
Amended 1/7/2019