35 Miss. Code. R. 6-03-09-108

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-6-03-09-108 - TAX COLLECTOR

Section 27-33-51The land roll and the tax levy constitute an official order to the Tax Collector to collect ad valorem taxes from each real property owner. The supplemental roll and the tax levy constitute an official order to the Tax Collector that a portion of the ad valorem taxes are not to be collected from property owners.

1. Correct the supplemental roll

Occasionally, it becomes necessary to make changes to the county and/or municipal supplemental roll. These changes can be ordered only by the Board of Supervisors upon receipt of a request from the Tax Assessor, or a notice from the Tax Commission for a change in the supplemental roll. These changes shall be listed on the Petition to Adjust Exemption to county or municipal supplemental roll and shall be prepared as required in Rule 7 - Supplemental Roll. (Forms 72-005 and 72-006) The law requires the Tax Collector to make these changes in the supplemental roll and to collect taxes in accordance with the roll as changed.

2. Collect additional taxes

Any taxes due as a result of any change ordered in the supplemental roll must be collected by the Tax Collector. This additional tax must be collected on or before February 1 of the year following the year in which the notice to do so is issued. If the property owner does not pay the taxes when due, the Tax Collector is required to collect the taxes as in the case of any other delinquent taxes.

3. Issue tax receipt

The Tax Collector shall issue a separate tax receipt upon payment of any additional taxes due as a result of any changes made in the supplemental roll. He shall also issue a tax receipt to all taxpayers who have paid their taxes or who do not owe any taxes because of homestead exemption.

35 Miss. Code. R. 6-03-09-108