35 Miss. Code. R. 6-03-02-104

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-6-03-02-104 - APPLICANT ONLY

The last class of adjustments are those that will affect only the amount of exemption the applicant received. The following conditions are considered causes to allow only a fraction of the exemption claimed. These conditions do not affect the reimbursement of tax loss to the taxing unit, only the amount of exemption granted an applicant. The Tax Commission determines if the applicant is eligible. The county determines how much exemption will be allowed. Details of the following conditions are discussed in Title 35 of the Mississippi Administrative Code, Part VI, Subpart 2, Chapter 6.

1. One apartment rented

A dwelling having no more than two (2) apartments or a duplex when the owner of the dwelling lives in one apartment or side and rents out the other apartment or side. The owner would be eligible for one-half (1/2) the exemption allowed. 27-33-19 (e).

2. Less than six (6) rented rooms

A dwelling which has no more than six (6) rooms to be rented with an apartment counting as three (3) rooms when the owner occupies the dwelling as a home. The owner would be eligible to one-half (1/2) the exemption allowed. 27-33-19 (f).

3. Business activity

In order to receive homestead exemption on a dwelling owned and occupied by the head of a family in which a business activity is conducted, the assessed value associated with the business must be less than one-fifth (1/5) of the total assessed value of the home. If the activity is a full time business, the owner would be eligible for one-half (1/2) the exemption allowed. 27-33-19 (h).

4. Joint Ownership

When eligible property is jointly owned, the applicant, who is one of the owners, is eligible for exemption on his proportional share of the total assessed value of the property. 27-33-19 (b).

35 Miss. Code. R. 6-03-02-104