35 Miss. Code. R. 6-02-06-401

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-6-02-06-401

Guidelines for appraising differing types of property for the purpose of updating values are as follows:

1. Land - All land must be valued using the procedures set forth in the appraisal manual.
2. Agricultural Use Land - Land deemed to be used for agricultural purposes shall be classified by soil type and use (cultivatable or un-cultivatable). It shall be valued annually using the then current agricultural use values provided by the property tax office.
3. Small Tracts and Urban Land - Small tract land and urban land must be revalued during the update year if warranted. Counties must monitor sales activities, creating schedules to determine values. Counties having insufficient sales of raw land may use sales of improved parcels abstracting the improvement value.
4. Improvements - Improvements shall be valued according to procedures set forth in the appraisal manual. The county index shall be applied to improvements as required by the appraisal manual. All improvements to parcels or removal of structures from parcels shall be recorded correctly on the property record card. The value of such parcels must be changed on the tax roll where appropriate.
5. Real Property Maintenance - Counties are required to annually locate, list and value all new properties including additions to existing properties. Likewise, all properties which have been altered or removed shall have such changes noted on the property record cards and the values adjusted accordingly. All new properties must be measured on site. Changes to parcels shall be noted on the property record card and reflected on the land roll values. While parcels subject to maintenance only are not on the 25 percent (25%) list, and will not be audited as such, errors resulting from failure to value new improvements larger than 600 square feet will be counted as errors when found. The property tax office will verify that new houses, buildings and other large improvements have been added to the roll.

35 Miss. Code. R. 6-02-06-401