35 Miss. Code. R. 4-09-02-207

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-4-09-02-207

Food sold to schools or students as regular student meals is exempt from sales tax pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. Section 27-65-9(2)(a) and (b). Food served at banquets and luncheons for student groups is exempt from sales tax when the meal is paid for directly by the exempt entity. Food sold by or through school cafeterias and dining halls to non-students such as faculty members, employees, visitors and the public is subject to sales tax. Additional information concerning food sales at schools, colleges and universities can be found in Title 35, Part IV, Subpart 13, Chapter 2 of the Mississippi Administrative Code.

35 Miss. Code. R. 4-09-02-207

Amended 11/12/2017