Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-3-08-06-402.02 - Business Income of Contractors1. The net business income of taxpayers engaged in the business of contracting shall be accounted for and assigned directly to this state for each contract performed within this state. Taxpayers engaged in the business of contracting both within and without the state shall determine such job cost which cannot be specifically allocated to the Mississippi contract by multiplying such non-allocable business-related expenses in the ratio that Mississippi direct job costs bears to total direct job costs.2. Where a contract is performed partly within and partly without the state, the net business income assignable directly to Mississippi shall be determined by first deducting from the total contract receipts those job costs directly allocable to said contract and then deducting a pro-rata part of expenses which cannot be directly allocable to any contract, said pro-rata part to be determined by using the ratio between the contract direct job costs and the direct job costs of total contracts. The net business income from the contract, thus determined, shall then be apportioned to Mississippi in the ratio that receipts from said contract allocable to Mississippi for sales tax purposes bears to the total receipts from said contract. In the event that no allocation has been or can be made of the Mississippi gross receipts from said contract for Mississippi sales tax purposes, and the Mississippi gross receipts from said contract cannot otherwise be determined, then the apportionment of the net business income from the contract to Mississippi shall be made by such reasonable method as is acceptable to the Commissioner.3. In the case of a prime contractor, who enters into a contract with a subcontractor for the performance of all or part of a contract within the State of Mississippi, both prime contractor and subcontractor are required to report any and all income from such contracts. 4. The net business income derived by a contractor from gains or losses from sales of capital assets, interest, dividends, rents and royalties shall be apportioned to Mississippi by multiplying such net business income by a receipts factor, the numerator of which is the total receipts located, assignable, allocated, or otherwise having a situs in this state during the tax year, and the denominator of which is the total receipts of the taxpayer everywhere during the tax year. In the case of sales of capital assets (buildings, land, depreciable machinery and equipment, stocks, bonds, etc.) receipts, for purposes of the receipts factor, shall include only the net gain or loss resulting from such sales of capital assets.35 Miss. Code. R. 3-08-06-402.02