35 Miss. Code. R. 11-3-104

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 35-11-3-104

If the premises construction is complete at the time of application, the Department will investigate the application based on the completed construction when reviewing distance requirements. If the building construction is complete but there are planned changes to the main point of entry prior to opening, the Department will investigate the application based on the premises map or sketch included with the application. If the application is based on proposed building construction not completed at the time of application, the Department will investigate the application based on the survey and construction plans submitted with the application. The determination as to whether a license should be issued will be based on these respective documents. Therefore, any change to these documents or actual placement of a main point of entry which would have materially affected the decision of the Department to issue a license could subject the license to future revocation.

35 Miss. Code. R. 11-3-104

Adopted 7/1/2022