If the proposed development meets or exceeds the following predictor variables at full build-out or usage, then traffic impact analysis will be required:
Land Use Type | ITE Code | Quantitative Threshold |
Residential | 210, 220, 222, 230, 270 | 50+ Dwelling Units |
Retail | 814, 815, 820 | 15,000+ Square Feet |
Office | 710, 714, 715, 750, 770 | 30,000+ Square Feet Bldg or 3+ acres land |
Industrial | 110, 120, 130, 140 | 40,000+ Square Feet Bldg or 9+ acres land |
Educational | 520, 530, 550 | 20,000+ Square Feet Bldg. or 250+ Students |
Lodging | 310, 312, 320 | 100+ Occupied Rooms |
Medical | 610 | 30,000+ Square Feet Bldg. |
For land use types not identified in this table, the threshold values of 50 peak-hour, peak-direction trips will apply as determined by information contained in the latest edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual, or, if no longer published, any similar substitute manual designated by the General Manager. The General Manager or his designee may also require a traffic impact analysis if the traffic movements to and from the development could cause operational problems or safety concerns adjacent to the site. The above threshold values shall apply to all phases of a phased project if the sum of the phases equals or exceeds the threshold values.
33 Miss. Code. R. 204-11.2