Section 32-24-8.03 - Internal Health & Safety ProgramThe Center maintains an organized, comprehensive health and safety program. (Reference "Safety Policies and Procedures" file.) This program provides for:
1. Designation of person(s) responsible for the health and safety program. This may be the chairperson of the Safety Committee or the entire committee if so designated.
2. Emergency Plans and Procedures a. The Center maintains written emergency plans which are posted in appropriate locations in the Center and communicated to staff and supervisory personnel. The emergency plans include provisions for dealing with bomb threats, fire, medical emergencies, power failures, and natural disasters. Records document that all staff are knowledgeable of the fire and emergency plans. The plans include provisions for temporary shelter and handling of evacuees.
b. Tests of emergency situations are conducted at least once a month. All emergency provisions of the safety plan are tested at least once per year. These provisions may include but are not limited to fire, tornado, earthquake, gas leak, power failure, bomb threat, medical emergency, chemical spill, terrorist attack, etc.c. Each drill or test of emergency provisions is documented to analyze the conduct and effectiveness of the drill. Such reports are submitted to the Center Director. (Reference: "Drills" and "Safety Policies and Procedures" files.) d. The Safety Committee meets quarterly. The committee reviews all reports of incidents, illnesses, injuries, safety inspections, drills, etc. This committee is responsible for conducting documented self-inspections of the facility at least quarterly. The committee reviews the entire safety plan and program and, as appropriate, makes recommendations in writing to the Center Director. (Reference: "Safety Policies and Procedures" file.)e. All evacuation exits are properly marked in a manner appropriate to the needs of clients and staff.f. The Center maintains a written medical emergency plan that is posted in the first aid room and at other appropriate locations. The purpose of the plan is to outline procedures for the procurement of medical care that is beyond the scope of basic first aid. (Reference: "Safety Policies and Procedures" file.)32 Miss. Code. R. 24-8.03