Section 32-24-13.00 - Outcomes Measurement SystemThe Center has an Outcomes Measurement System, which meets the following criteria:
1. Measures results of programs and services3. Includes all persons served4. Measures regularly the progress of those being served in relation to program goals5. Evaluates information after completion of services The Center's Outcomes System includes the following:
1. Each program of services provided by the CRPPersonal Adjustment Training and Vocational Evaluation has an individual Outcomes component to determine the degree to which persons served meet the goals of their individual program plans and their satisfaction with the service delivery system. (Reference: "Outcomes Measurement System" file.)2. The Outcomes Measurement System has in written form for both Personal Adjustment Training services and Vocational Evaluation services entrance criteria, a listing of services, measurable objectives, specification of the time each measure is applied, measures of effectiveness and efficiency, and measures of satisfaction of persons served with the program. (Reference: Center Manual and "Outcomes Measurement System" file.) The System tracks at least the following:
1. Caseload characteristics (diagnoses and incidence of secondary disabilities)3. Dates of services (entrance and exit)4. Outcomes of services provided by each program Outcomes management reports include the following: 1. Measures of effectiveness2. Measures of efficiency3. Measures of satisfaction of persons served with the programs4. Characteristics of the persons served5. Interpretation of the results through a narrative report6. Actions taken or planned to improve performance. Information generated by the Outcomes System is made available to appropriate levels of management. Information is analyzed, interpreted, and used to provide the basis for the development of an annual, comprehensive report that assesses all programs operated by the Center. Such information is used by management to maintain, modify, or improve individual programs. The Outcomes System structure includes the following:
1. A mechanism to identify performances less than acceptable2. When performance is less than acceptable, reasons are noted and identified3. Management action taken to improve performance to an acceptable level4. Follow-up and monitoring of corrective action that takes place at specific times with results documented There is evidence that Outcomes information is utilized at every level of the Center to continually improve services.
Incorporated into the Annual Management Report is a review of the Outcomes System by the Center to analyze the nature of the caseload. This review includes the following:
1. The consideration of the appropriateness of the caseload for the intensity and type of services provided2. The determination as to whether changes in characteristics of the persons served indicate a need for program modification or expansion. Following the reporting period, Outcomes information is disseminated in an understandable fashion to the Department administrative staff, the Governing Authority, Center staff, and the Center's public including persons served, contributors, supporters, referring counselors, and others.
The Center portrays itself in a manner, which is accurate and valid. The information is consistent with results shown in the Center's Outcomes System.
An ongoing review of the effectiveness of the Center is undertaken by the Center Director through the Outcomes Measurement System.
The Center provides for a continuous review of the Outcomes Measurement System and its adequacy. (Reference: "Outcomes Management System" file.) This review ensures that:
1. Formal reviews take place on an annual basis2. Center staff and the persons served have an opportunity to recommend or make modifications3. A determination of the efficiency of the Outcomes System is documented32 Miss. Code. R. 24-13.00