32 Miss. Code. R. 23-2.02

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 32-23-2.02 - Organizational Structure

The Center is structured and administered to meet the established goals of the Department and the Center. The Director of OVRB recommends the designation of the Center Director and all other Center personnel. However, the ultimate approval for employment rests with the MDRS Executive Director. For the purposes of CARF, the Center Director is the chief executive officer of the Addie McBryde Center. The Depart -ment vests authority to the Center Director for the direct oversight of the day-to-day management of the Center in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Department and sound management principles. Support personnel or technical assistants are supervised and function within the organizational structure for the Center as set by the Department.

A review and approval process in critical management areas is carried out through a chain of command. This begins with the Center Director, proceeds to the OVRB Director, the Deputy Director of Vocational Services and on to the MDRS Executive Director. The Center Director reports directly to the OVRB Director who is next in line above this staff position in responsibility and accountability for the management and operation of the Center. In the absence of the Center Director, one of two Assistant Center Directors is in charge of the management of the Center.

The Center Director, with the approval of the OVRB Director, initiates decisions that affect the Center such as the establishment of Center goals and objectives, budgeting, employee selection, staff utilization, space allocation, travel, in-service training, use of consultants, public information, and program development.

The Center Director is responsible for meeting with the staff to ensure that input in these areas is secured and documented. The Center Director provides input on behalf of the entire Center to her supervisor, the OVRB Director.

32 Miss. Code. R. 23-2.02