Miss. Code. tit. 32, pt. 23, ch. 15, app 32-23-15-B

Current through January 14, 2025
Appendix 32-23-15-B

Code of Ethics


The employees of Addie McBryde Rehabilitation Center and the members of the Addie McBryde Rehabilitation Center governance authority shall behave in a moral and ethical manner in the conduct of their specific roles.


The Addie McBryde Center shall conduct its business/financial practices in the ethical manner, in keeping with generally accepted business/financial principles.


The Addie McBryde Center shall conduct its marketing activities in a moral and ethical manner. Public information and outreach activities shall be honest, accurate, and positive in the depiction of individuals with disabilities.


The employees of Addie McBryde Center shall respect the dignity and worth of all individuals with whom they work. The primary ethical obligation of Addie McBryde Center employees is to their consumers; or those persons who are directly receiving their services. Addie McBryde employees will endeavor at all times to protect each consumer's welfare and to place this interest above their own.


Interpersonal cooperative relationships shall be seen as vital in achieving optimum benefits for consumers. Professionals shall respect the value and roles of professionals and staff in other disciplines and act with integrity in their relationships with professional colleagues, organizations, agencies, referral sources and related disciplines.


The employee of Addie McBryde Center shall respect the confidentiality of information obtained from consumers in the course of their work.


Accessibility, 32

Additional "Special" Services, 53

Administrative Agency, 3

Alcohol and Drug Testing Policy, 23

AMRC Mission Statement, 1

Annual Fiscal Report, 14



Assistive Technology, 45

Assurances/Principles, 1

Background/Credentials Verification Policy, 24

Behavior Management Policy and Procedures, 45

Budget, 13

Case Record Requirements, 68

Case Recording, 38

Case Review (Quality Assurance), 39

Cash Management Policy, 13

Client Handbook, 43

Code of Ethics, 57

Code of Ethics and Ethical Violations, 2

Community Involvement, 28

Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation Services, 50

Confidential Records, 29,35

Consumer Based Planning, 7

Critical Incident Reporting Procedures, 18

Disclosure of Confidential Client Information, 37

Donations Policy, 12

Emergency Lighting, 21

Emergency Medical Information, 19

Emergency/Crisis Procedures, 18

Emergency/Fire Alarm System, 22

Equipment Safety, 21

Ergonomics Policy, 21

External Audit, 14

External Safety Inspections, 17

Facility Advisory Committee, 9

Fee Splitting Policy, 12

Financial Planning and Management, 12

Financial Records, 13

First Aid Room, 21

Fiscal Management, 12

Follow-Up, 47

Funding, 12

General Service Information, 41

Governing Authority, 2-3

Health & Safety Training, 19

Individual Program Planning Policy, 44

Individualized Personal Adjustment Training Plan (IAP), 48

Individualized Vocational Evaluation Plan (IVEP), 51

Ineligible Individuals, 42

Infection Control Policy, 20

Input from Persons Served, 7

Insurance, 13,16

Intake Interview, 43

Internal Health & Safety Program, 18

Interns/Trainees, 25

Job Descriptions, 25

Leadership, 1

Legal Requirements and Legal Issues, 11

Low Vision Admission Criteria, 53

Low Vision Exit Criteria, 53

Low Vision Reports, 53

Low Vision Services, 52

Low Vision Services and Techniques, 53

Management Information System, 34

MDRS Mission Statement, 1

Medication Monitoring Policy, 19

Nondiscrimination Policy, 25

Order of Acceptance Policy, 42

Organization of Material in Case Record, 37

Organizational Chart, 4

Organizational Structure, 4

Orientation Policy (Employees/Interns/Trainees/Volunteers), 25

Orientation Policy for Clients, 43

Outcomes Measurement System, 34-35

Outside Consultants, 25

PAT Admission Criteria, 47

PAT Exit Criteria, 49

PAT Final Staffing, 49

PAT Progress Staffings and Reports, 49

PAT Services, 47

PAT Techniques, 48

Performance Appraisals, 27

Personal Adjustment Training (PAT) Services, 47

Personnel File Contents, 36

Personnel Policies for Employees of Addie McBryde Center, 26

Physical/Psychological Abuse, 31

Program Manager, 44

Program Restrictions, 17

Public Relations and Outreach Information, 10

Records Protection Policy, 36

Records Retention/Disposal Policy, 36

Reentry Policy, 42

Referrals, 41

Referrals for Additional Services, 46

Release of Financial Information, 13

Release of Persons Served, 31

Re-referrals, 41

Reorientation Policy 42

Retention of Referral Information, 37

Risk Management, 15

Sexual Harassment Policy, 31

Signature Policy, 39

Single Case Record, 37

Smoking Products Policy, 20

Staff Development and Training, 27

Staff Input, 27

Staff Meetings, 10

Staff Qualifications, 24

Staffing Pattern and Back-up Plan, 24

Supplemental Documentation/Resources, 56

Termination Procedures, 46

Transportation, 22

Vocational Evaluation Admission Criteria, 50

Vocational Evaluation Exit Criteria, 52

Vocational Evaluation Report, 52

Vocational Evaluation Services, 50

Vocational Evaluation Summary, 52

Vocational Evaluation Techniques, 51

Vocational Evaluator Participation in Monthly Client Staffing, 51

Volunteers, 25

Miss. Code. tit. 32, pt. 23, ch. 15, app 32-23-15-B