32 Miss. Code. R. 22-3.6.3

Current through December 10, 2024
Section 32-22-3.6.3 - Referrals

Deaf and hard of hearing clients are served by specially trained rehabilitation counselors for the deaf (RCDs) and crossover counselors. RCDs normally serve hearing impaired clients who are coded severely disabled and crossover counselors normally serve non-severely disabled hearing-impaired clients.

Clients may be referred to RCDs and crossover counselors located within each of the ten vocational rehabilitation districts. Clients whose communication requires American Sign Language to communicate should be referred to the RCD. Clients whose communication is less difficult should be referred to the crossover counselor. After the RCD or crossover counselor obtains an audiogram, or is otherwise reasonably sure of the severity of the loss, the case will be retained and served or transferred as is appropriate.

Referrals of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities

When a client has two or more disabling conditions, one of which is deafness and his /her primary means of communication is manual the client would be served by the RCD and deafness will be considered the primary disabling condition.

When a client has two or more disabling conditions, one of that is hard of hearing, the case normally will be staffed with the RCD to determine which disability will be listed as the primary disability. This staffing can be in person or via telephone, according to the situation. The counselor assigned to handle that disabling condition would then serve the case. If it is determined that the case should remain on the general VR counselor's caseload, periodic staffing with the RCD at the general counselor's discretion is recommended. The RCD's expertise in audiometric, ENT medicine and hearing aid recommendations will ensure consistency of service provision.

Referrals of Individuals Who Are Deaf-Blind

Individuals who should be referred for these services are those who would meet the above Agency definition for deaf-blind or have a progressive loss having a prognosis leading to deaf- blindness as described in this Resource Guide. Referrals of deaf-blind clients can be made directly to each district's RCD, rehabilitation counselor for the blind (RCB), or District Manager's office. In order to insure that client needs are met, a district team--composed of the RCD, RCB, staff interpreter, and Supported Employment counselor--will staff the case to determine the appropriate counselor to receive the referral. Individuals who are deaf-blind and communicate manually will be served by each district's RCD.

32 Miss. Code. R. 22-3.6.3