This area of computer access is very broad and encompasses any accommodations related to computer hardware or software that a client may need to accomplish his/her goal. It is imperative that the client and the counselor have a clearly defined goal, and this goal should be noted in the service authorization.
Computer Literacy
A client must possess basic computer literacy to be eligible for an AT evaluation. MDRS AT Program does not provide computer literacy training for clients. Basic computer literacy may be obtained through community colleges, the Addie McBryde Center, the REACH Center, or other sources outside of MDRS. In addition, the AT program only provides limited training (approximately four hours) on computer technology that is purchased for a client. If the AT professional determines that a client needs additional training, that information will be included in the AT report.
When additional computer training and/or technical support is needed for the client to achieve a vocational or independent living goal, the counselor should contact the assigned AT professional, Addie McBryde, REACH, TK Martin, clients employer and/or the vendor to determine whether they can provide the training. If these providers are not able to provide the training, the counselor may purchase the service from a vendor chosen by the client and approved by the AT department. Requests for purchase of computer training and/or technical support exceeding 10 hours must be approved by the OVR district manager/OVRB regional manager.
Purchasing Computer Based AT Equipment
The need for computer equipment and related software should be carefully evaluated by an AT professional prior to preparation of equipment specifications to be certain of equipment compatibility. Companion equipment/software should be thoroughly tested to make this determination.
After securing the recommendation for computer systems from the AT professional, counselors should send a copy of the recommendation to the district manager for approval. Once the district manager approves the request, the counselor should send the recommendation to Management Information Systems (MIS). MIS staff will obtain a list of approved vendors and price quotes and send it to the counselor. The counselor should not write the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) or the Independent Living Plan (ILP) until this information is returned to the counselor. The counselor should secure the signature of the client on the MDRS-AT-02 before the authorization is issued. A signed copy should be given to the client and the original must be retained in the case file.
The counselor should request that the vendor ship the computer equipment to the AT professional handling the case. The counselor should send a copy of the authorization to the AT professional and MIS. When delivering the computer or computer systems to the client, the AT professional shall secure the signature of the client on the MDRS-AT-03. A signed copy should be given to the client and the original must be retained in the case file.
Computers for College Students - It is up to the counselor and the client to determine when and/or if it is necessary for MDRS to purchase a computer for college training. If a client is a college student and a referral is made for computer access, the AT program will assume that the counselor has made the decision to provide a personal computer for the client. The AT program cannot make a determination if a client should be provided a computer for college training. The AT program can only make recommendations as to what hardware and/or software would allow a client to reach his/her vocational goal.
Computer Repair - MDRS does not provide routine maintenance or computer repair. Referrals for AT service should not be made for routine maintenance or repair. The client should contact a local computer service provider or the manufacturer directly.
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