32 Miss. Code. R. 22-3.12.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 32-22-3.12.2 - Services

The services provided include a broad range of assistance designed to help individuals to function more independently in their families and communities. Because funds are limited, all possible resources for services are utilized, including Medicare, Medicaid, insurance, client involvement, state and federal funding, etc.

The following assistance can be provided and/or coordinated by the Independent Living Counselor:

Assistive Technology Purchase of artificial limbs, hearing aids, communication equipment, environmental control units, magnifiers, low vision aids, etc.;

Home and Vehicle Modifications Residential accessibility of homes, including provision of ramps, widening doorways, lifts for vans, etc.;

Durable Medical Equipment Purchase of wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, lift equipment, etc.;

Daily Living Skills Instruction in cooking, cleaning, accident prevention, money management, self-advocacy, etc.;

Mobility Orientation Assistance in the use and maintenance of assistive equipment, utilization of transportation system, etc.;

Peer Counseling Guidance provided by persons who are disabled to assist individuals in problem-solving skills, adjustment to disability, and social integration;

Personal Care Attendant Services Assistance with daily living needs (e.g. bathing, dressing, ambulation);

Physical/Mental Evaluations General medical, psychological exams, special diagnostic reports and assessments, etc.

32 Miss. Code. R. 22-3.12.2