32 Miss. Code. R. 22-1.5.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 32-22-1.5.1 - Guidelines for Travel

Voucher for Reimbursement of Expenses - Incident to Official Travel (13.20.10) form must be completed, signed, and sent for approval through your supervisor before being submitted to the finance office for reimbursement. The voucher must indicate your program code in the space labeled "Program" and your organization code should be written in the space indicated as "Org".

The actual dates of travel must be completed and the purpose and points of travel must be filled out for each day. All excessive mileage should include specific points of travel or an attached detailed itinerary. All literature pertaining to the trip(s), such as original itemized hotel receipts, literature indicating conference/meeting hotel rates, flight itineraries, etc., should be attached as well. The original travel voucher will be signed in any color ink except black.

The supervisor approving travel should sign on line reading "Approved for Payment"; the line reading "Verified By" is for finance use only.

The original and one copy will be sent to finance. The original and the copy should be stapled. The original receipts will be stapled to the back of the original voucher in the top left-hand corner and the copy should be an exact duplicate.

See the Travel Policy Section, of the MDRS Administrative Policy Manual for travel guidelines and policy.

32 Miss. Code. R. 22-1.5.1