The IPE is organized into the following sections--
Part 1 General Information
This section includes the plan number, general plan type (i.e. training, physical restoration), the client's specific employment outcome/objective, and the anticipated date for achievement of the employment outcome.
Part 2 Planned Services
This section describes services needed, dates of initiation, provider(s) of choice, and the estimated costs for each service and the total plan (including comparable benefits).
Part 3 Participant Responsibilities
This section will include a list of the client's responsibilities toward completion of the plan; including any financial responsibilities.
Part 4 Plan Documentation
This section must contain the agreed-upon criteria for evaluating progress toward the goal.
Part 5 Terms and Conditions
This section contains post-employment services and the identification of the extended services provider for Supported Employment cases only.
Part 6 Statements of Mutual Understanding
The counselor will complete the information under Review Process and Client Assistance Program. The counselor will review all information in this section in detail with each client and/or his/her representative.
Part 7 Plan Certification
The IPE is finalized and signed by the client or his/her representative and the counselor prior to service(s) being initiated.
32 Miss. Code. R. 21-6-6.6