32 Miss. Code R. § 11-361-B-361.24

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 32-11-361-B-361.24 - Cooperation and coordination with other entities
(a) Interagency cooperation. The State plan must describe the designated State agency's cooperation with and use of the services and facilities of Federal, State, and local agencies and programs, including programs carried out by the Under Secretary for Rural Development of the Department of Agriculture and State use contracting programs, to the extent that those agencies and programs are not carrying out activities through the statewide workforce investment system.
(b) Coordination with the Statewide Independent Living Council and independent living centers. The State plan must assure that the designated State unit, the Statewide Independent Living Council established under 34 CFR part 364, and the independent living centers established under 34 CFR part 366 have developed working relationships and coordinate their activities.
(c) Cooperative agreement with recipients of grants for services to American Indians.
(1) General. In applicable cases, the State plan must assure that the designated State agency has entered into a formal cooperative agreement with each grant recipient in the State that receives funds under part C of the Act (American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services).
(2) Contents of formal cooperative agreement. The agreement required under paragraph (a)(1) of this section must describe strategies for collaboration and coordination in providing vocational rehabilitation services to American Indians who are individuals with disabilities, including--
(i) Strategies for interagency referral and information sharing that will assist in eligibility determinations and the development of individualized plans for employment;
(ii) Procedures for ensuring that American Indians who are individuals with disabilities and are living near a reservation or tribal service area are provided vocational rehabilitation services; and
(iii) Provisions for sharing resources in cooperative studies and assessments,joint training activities, and other collaborative activities designed to improve the provision of services to American Indians who are individuals with disabilities.
(d) Reciprocal referral services between two designated State units in the same State. If there is a separate designated State unit for individuals who are blind, the two designated State units must establish reciprocal referral services, use each other's services and facilities to the extent feasible, jointly plan activities to improve services in the State for individuals with multiple impairments, including visual impairments, and otherwise cooperate to provide more effective services, including, if appropriate, entering into a written cooperative agreement.

32 Miss. Code. R. § 11-361-B-361.24

Authority: Sections 12(c) and 101(a)(11)(C), (E), and (F) of the Act; 29 U.S.C. 709(c) and 721(a)(11) (C), (E), and (F)