Rule 31-1-6.7 - Procedures for NCIC "HITS"1. Anytime a positive response or "hit" is received from an NCIC inquiry on an individual, the following procedures should be observed. a. If a law enforcement official is available and can be contacted without the examiner placing themselves or the general public in any immediate danger, they should attempt to do so. Traveling teams will normally receive the information concerning "hits" by telephone, in which case the person passing along the information to the examiner should also call the substation and request they contact the closest officer or law enforcement agency to respond.b. When it is not possible or is unsafe to attempt to contact a law enforcement officer, the examiner should carry on in a normal manner, obtaining as much information as possible on the individual to be passed on later to the appropriate person. If it is necessary to issue the license, then do so, and it can be pulled later.2. Under no circumstances, unless the examiner is a sworn officer, should the examiner attempt to apprehend the individual or place themselves or the general public in immediate danger.