The internship must be accredited by the APA or the CPA except as noted below. The internship shall be appropriate to the applicant's graduate training specialization.
Programs working toward accreditation must have an active application with APA or CPA at the time the intern completed the program or within two years of the applicant's completion of the program. The names of programs that have submitted application for accreditation, and the status of the applications, are available from the APA and the CPA.
The internship consists of a minimum of 2000 hours of supervised experience and must be completed within a two year period. Full time interns shall receive a minimum of four hours of supervision per week, at least two hours of which will include individual supervision. Other individual or group supervision will be provided when necessary as determined by the Training Director or primary supervisor.
The internship shall be in a setting or settings that, in the aggregate, provide both a broad spectrum of psychological services, and serve a varied clientele. Such a setting should provide experiences that include a variety of diagnostic categories and intervention orientations, supervision by licensed psychologists, and opportunity for consultation and program development.
The ratio of supervision time to direct service time should be sufficient to ensure adequate learning; namely, at least two hours per week of formal, face-to-face individual supervision.
Supervision consists of direct, formal contact with a senior professional who is responsible for the educational development and guidance of the trainee or supervisee. Class work, practicum experience or other course related experience may not be counted as part of the required supervision.
Supervision must be for the direct provision of psychological services by the applicant to individuals or groups of clients/patients. An applicant's own personal growth experience, personal therapy or encounter groups, may not be counted as part of the required supervision experience. The supervision of others may not be counted as part of the required supervision experience.
Supervisors must meet the following criteria:
If the internship is not APA or CPA accredited, it must;
30 Miss. Code. R. 3201-6.3