Article XXVI - DISPOSAL OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES1. Any registrant of the Board authorized to possess controlled substances in the course of their professional practice or the course of their business may dispose of any expired, excess or unwanted controlled substances by contacting and utilizing the services of a reverse distributor as defined by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. Any such reverse distributor must hold a valid Certificate of Registration Number issued by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration and the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy. All records of the disposal of controlled substances shall be maintained for a period of two (2) years.2. An institution permitted or registered by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy in which controlled substances are administered to patients, may make on-premises destruction of controlled substances provided: A. The controlled substance is the remainder of a prepackaged single dosage unit or unit of use.B. At least part of the unit dose or unit of use was administered.C. The destruction is recorded showing: (1) The name of the drug;(2) The amount of the drug which was administered and the amount of the drug which was destroyed;(3) The time and the date of destruction;(4) The name of the patient;(5) The room number of the patient;(6) The name of the person administering the drug;(7) The signature of the person (pharmacist or nurse) making the destruction;(8) The signature of a second person who witnessed the destruction.D. The record of the destruction is maintained by the facility.E. A single dosage unit or any unit of use of a controlled substance which (1) is broken, (2) becomes contaminated, (3) or for any reason cannot be used, must be returned to the control of the pharmacy for proper disposal. When it is not possible to return a broken or contaminated or unwanted dosage unit or unit of use to the pharmacy, documentation of the loss may be substituted. Broken or contaminated single dosage units or units of use returned to the pharmacy for destruction may be destroyed on premise provided the destruction is documented.3. If for any reason a registrant is unable to dispose of excess or undesired stock of controlled substances under other provisions of this ARTICLE, the registrant may contact the Board of Pharmacy and the disposal shall be made as follows: An agent of the Pharmacy Board shall obtain an inventory of the controlled substances to be disposed of and make two (2) copies of this inventory. The first copy of this inventory shall be retained by the Pharmacy Board; the second copy shall be given to the registrant. After complying with this inventory requirement, the agent of the Pharmacy Board shall take possession of the controlled substances. The controlled substances thus taken by the Pharmacy Board Agent shall be placed in a sealed container and labeled with the date and the name and address of the registrant and stored by the Board of Pharmacy until such time as they are disposed.
4. Except as provided for in this ARTICLE, no controlled substance may be destroyed or disposed of by a registrant without written permission of the Regional Director of the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. Miss. Code. tit. 30, pt. 3001, art. XXVI