30 Miss. Code. R. 2901-9.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-2901-9.2 - Standards for office

Each Optometrists must have the equipment to practice to the current standard of care to include but not limited to the following: An Ophthalmoscope, a retinoscope; an Ophthalmometer or Keratometer and a Refractor, or a trial frame with trial case auxiliary prisms and lenses, test objects of Stereopsis and fusion charts for distance and near visual acuity, Pseudoisochromatic charts for color vision, Tangent screen or Perimeter, Tonometer and a Biomicroscope (slit lamp). Every such examination must be made in an optometric office, and in a room of such office used exclusively for the practice of optometry. Provided that if a person desiring optometric services informs an optometrist that by reason of sickness or other cause he or she is confined to his or her place of abode, said optometrist may make said examination at the place of abode of said person. Provided, further, that said optometrist must have available at said place of abode for said examination the following minimum equipment, to include but not limited to: An Ophthalmoscope, a Retinoscope, a suitable astigmatic test and a reliable trial frame and lenses adequate for determining proper diagnosis.

30 Miss. Code. R. 2901-9.2

Miss Code Ann.§ 73-19-3
Amended 11/21/2022