30 Miss. Code. R. 2605-2.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-2605-2.1 - Licensure by Credentials

If the original license of an applicant was obtained by state board examination, the applicant must have the state board where original license was obtained by written examination submit a certified copy of the examination directly to the Board.

The Board may grant licenses to Diplomates of the NBPME. If a Diplomate of the NBPME, the applicant must have certification of endorsement from that Board submitted directly to the Board. Applicants graduating podiatry school on or after January 1, 2010, must take and pass all three (3) parts of the APMLE.

In addition to the above, an individual shall meet the following requirements:

A. Applicant must be twenty-one (21) years of age, and of good moral character.
B. Applicant must have had at least four (4) years high school and be graduate of same; he or she shall have at least one (1) year pre-podiatry college education.
C. Present a diploma from a college of podiatric medicine recognized by the Board as being in good standing, subject to the following conditions.
1. Any diploma or other document required to be submitted to the Board by an applicant which is not in the English language must be accompanied by a certified translation thereof into English.
2. No college of podiatry or chiropody shall be accredited by the Board as a college of good standing which does not require for graduation a course of study of at least four (4) years (eight and one-half [81/2] months each) and be accredited by the CPME at the time of graduation.
D. Present proof of completion of one (1) year of APMA-approved postgraduate training in the U.S. or Canada. If the podiatrist graduated from an accredited college of podiatric medicine prior to 1990, has continuously practiced for the past ten (10) years and has held unrestricted license(s) to practice podiatry, the one (1) year of APMA-approved postgraduate training may be waived at the Board's discretion.
E. Submit certified copy of birth certificate or valid passport.
F. Submit a certified copy of legal name change, if applicable.
G. Complete an application for podiatry license and submit it to the Board in the manner prescribed by the Board with a recent passport type photograph.
H. Submit fee prescribed by the Board.
I. Submit fingerprints for state and national criminal history background checks.

30 Miss. Code. R. 2605-2.1

Miss. Code Ann. § 73-43-11 (1972, as amended).
Amended March 8, 2007. Amended May 17, 2007. Amended January 24, 2008. Amended November 20, 2008. Amended April 19, 2015. Amended November 13, 2015.
Amended 12/13/2015
Amended November 19, 1987; amended February 19, 2003; amended March 20, 2015; and amended March 16, 2017
Amended 4/23/2017
Amended 10/2/2023