Any physician, physician assistant, radiologist assistant or acupuncturist desiring to practice in this state must first obtain a license to do so by completing an application for licensure and submitting all requested documentation to the Board.
A physician, physician assistant, radiologist assistant or acupuncturist who is participating in or who has participated in an impaired professionals program as approved by the Board must document a two-year period of abstinence from any abusive use of mood-altering drugs, which shall include, but not be limited to, alcohol and all substances listed in Schedules I through V of the Uniform Controlled Substances Law, Mississippi Code, from the date of completion of the program before he or she is eligible for a permanent license to practice medicine, podiatry or acupuncture in Mississippi.
Prior to the issuance of, or reinstatement of a license, any physician, physician assistant, radiologist assistant or acupuncturist who has not actively practiced for a three (3) year period shall be required to participate in a Board approved assessment program, clinical skills assessment program or reentry program to assure post-licensure competency.
A physician, physician assistant, radiologist assistant, or acupuncturist shall be deemed to have not "actively" practiced medicine if during said three (3) year period the physician, physician assistant, radiologist assistant or acupuncturist has not treated any patients for remuneration, other than friends and family.
30 Miss. Code. R. 2601-1.3